Acts: Acts of Kindness (Jody Garner)

Posted: Book of Acts, Sermons

Sermon Notes
Acts 2:42-47 & 4:32-37
Luke gives us ________________________ of the early church:
A _________________ for us (a description of a Spirit-filled church).
2:42 – 4 things they were devoted to: __________________, ___________________, __________________, _________________.
• ____________________ – Temple and House to House

• ____________________ – Day by Day

• ____________________ – Generosity and Sacrifice

No for ____________________________________
We also learn how to ______________________________

Take-Away/Action Step

C.G.H. – 10/6/19

Baptism for All (From 9/29/19)
Read Acts 2:36-41

What was new about baptism compared to John the Baptist’s baptism?

Do you think we all come to the waters of baptism at the same level? No one is elite or superior over anyone else? (everyone needs God’s grace and forgiveness)

What do you think about the invitation to be baptized being for ALL people? (See 2:39)

If you’ve been baptized, can you remember why you were? What was that day like? Who baptized you? How old were you? Etc. basically, just remember what you can of your baptism and share

Acts of Kindness
Read Acts 2:42-47 & 4:32-37

What is your experience with church? Did you grow up going to church? Are you fairly new to church? What type of church do you have in your background?
-If Dr. Luke were to write a snapshot of your church, what would he write about?

These verses provide a “snapshot” of what the first church looked and acted like. What stands out to you or catches your attention?

What do you think we imitate well as a church today? How could we better imitate this early church?

Acts of Kindness Challenge:

The early church was very generous. How have you seen this same type of generosity today in church?

Acts of Kindness challenge: look at the list. Which act of kindness would you like to do this week? What would you add to the list?
o Leave a note/box of candy for your mail carrier
o Yard work for a shut in
o Ask the cash register what their favorite candy is and buy it for them
o Pay for someone’s food and leave them a note that they were prayed for
o Provide dinner for your child’s teacher
o Send someone a gift card in the mail anonymously
o Ask to pray for your waiter or waitress
o Pay off someone’s lunch account – call the school and ask who’s behind on their lunch payment
o Take meal gift card to hospital waiting room and leave it at the front desk for the next family that has to wait
o Buy a cup of coffee for someone

End in Prayer together